Privacy Policy


By privacy policy we mean how our website collect, store, use and protect your personal data, so we believe it’s necessary to read such Privacy Policy. By personal data we refer to any data that are associated with a specific person and used to identify him or her

Actually, we don’t consider any anonymous data because it is unsuitable for building personal data. instead, we collect personal data from those who are willing to use Mahaseal website or its linked webpages. These personal data should (include among others selling or buying products, your connections whither via E-mail or phone with our user support center team.) After giving us your personal data, you've given us permission to use it in accordance with the terms and conditions of the (Privacy Policy)

We reserve the right to update the (Privacy Policy) at any time by posting the updated version online and notifying you with the latest changes. The updated version of the (Privacy Policy) enters into effect on the date it is published. In case you have decided to use our website after posting modification constitutes your approval of terms and conditions contained in the updated version, as well as the way we process and treat your personal data that you previously provided to us

We would be happy if you keep visiting our site from time to time to ensure if there are any announcement of changing the privacy policy

Our Privacy Policy covers the following topics:
  1. Our collection to your personal data
  2. Our usage to your personal data
  3. Your usage to your personal data and personal data of other users
  4. Using, accessing, browsing and modifying your personal data
  5. Links related to Third Party Websites6. Cookies
  6. Preventing misleading or deceptive emails
  7. Protecting your personal data
  8. Contact us to inquire about (Privacy Policy)
Our Collection to your Personal Data :
  1. You will be required to provide us with specific personal data such as your name, shipping address, email and/or phone number, and other similar data, besides additional data such your date of birth or any data related to your identity, as part of registering process on our website or while using it. Moreover, in order to authenticate your identification, we may require you to provide us with valid documentation of your identity (e.g., copy of your passport, visa or residency permit, national ID and/or driving license)
  2. Likewise, we might need you to provide use with your financial data, such as your credit card and/or bank account details
  3. These financial data must be submitted in “my account” section on our website. These data will be used for billing purposes or in case of complete your requests. It’s prohibited to submit any personal data when registering on our website such as (financial data) on any section except “Account Management” to protect your personal data from theft or fraud. Furthermore, publishing any of your personal data on any other section rather than “My Account” may cause in terminating your usage to our website
  4. The website will save any data related to operations and activities, whether related to purchase or products sales
  5. Please keep in mind that we may use your Internet Protocol (or IP) address (a certain number assigned to computer server, such as your Internet service provider or ISP) to evaluate your activity and to enhance website management
  6. We may also need to gather additional information about your computer (for example, browser type), browsing data (for example, the pages you frequently view on website), besides how much do you use our website. At the end we would like to inform you that our website may intend to use other methods unspecified in this section in order to gather your personal relevant data. For example, we may depend on your communication with our customer support team or your responses to our surveys to gather your data. We may also gather ratings and other feedback about your usage to our website. In the event of collecting personal data for statistical purposes, the names of the owners of such data must be hidden
Our Usage to your Personal Data:

As specified in this section, we only share your personal data with Mahaseal and its affiliates

  1. Our website uses your personal data to be able to provide you with services and technical support through our customer service team, so that we can evaluate level of service and its quality in order to work upon improving it, as well as preventing any illegal activities in accordance with the provisions of the usage agreement signed with you (the “User Agreement”). Moreover, we use such data to enable us in solving problems, fees payment and providing you with promotional emails. For the purpose of documentation of your personal data in order to be submitted to a third party our website may share some of your personal data with banks to obtain authorization for credit cards or to process and document any services shared with third parties in order to verify whether there are frauds
  2. Despite the fact that we do our best efforts to protect the privacy of your data, but we have the authority to provide law enforcement, government, or other third parties with your personal data. In case of a court or other legal authority ordered our website to disclose any of your personal data in accordance with the law, we are obligated to abide or if disclosure of your personal data may prevent physical harm or financial loss, in the event of reporting suspicious activity, or to investigate the possibility of violation of the terms and conditions of the User Agreement and/ or any other agreements, and/or to protect the rights, property, or safety of the market, our users, or even safety of others
  3. In the event that Mahaseal or any of its subsidiaries, affiliates, or any of its business-related assets are sold to a prospective buyer for the purpose of maintaining the activity of the website or in connection with this sale for the purposes described in this policy, we may be required to disclose your personal information. We may share your personal data with our other affiliate companies for the purposes outlined in this Privacy Policy. Moreover, contact information shall be the personal information that you gave us when registering and must be updated
  4. The Website may provide details related to products you purchase, sell, or participate in auctions for it on our website. These data may include some details about user identity, ratings and comments associated with your use of the website
  5. It’s prohibited to sell or rent any of your personal data to third parties as part of our normal business, and we will only share your personal data in compliance with this policy (Privacy Policy)
  6. Once you register or use our website it shall be deemed as if you have granted us your express approval to receive promotional emails about our services as well as emails with changes added to our case of you aren’t welling to receive these kinds of notifications, please click the link at the bottom of any of these emails to stop sending them to your email address
  7. your comments on our website are used for marketing purposes and submitting such comments constitute as an agreement to use these comments for marketing purposes
Your usage to your personal data and personal data of other users:
  1. You will be required to provide us with specific personal data such as your name, shipping address, email and/or phone number, and other similar data, besides additional data such your date of birth or any data related to your identity, as part of registering process on our website or while using it. Moreover, in order to authenticate your identification, we may require you to provide us with valid documentation of your identity (e.g., copy of your passport, visa or residency permit, national ID and/or driving license)
  2. Likewise, we might need you to provide use with your financial data, such as your credit card and/or bank account details
  3. These financial data must be submitted in “my account” section on our website. These data will be used for billing purposes or in case of complete your requests. It’s prohibited to submit any personal data when registering on our website such as (financial data) on any section except “Account Management” to protect your personal data from theft or fraud. Furthermore, publishing any of your personal data on any other section rather than “My Account” may cause in terminating your usage to our website
  4. The website will save any data related to operations and activities, whether related to purchase or products sales
  5. Please keep in mind that we may use your Internet Protocol (or IP) address (a certain number assigned to computer server, such as your Internet service provider or ISP) to evaluate your activity and to enhance website management
  6. We may also need to gather additional information about your computer (for example, browser type), browsing data (for example, the pages you frequently view on website), besides how much do you use our website. At the end we would like to inform you that our website may intend to use other methods unspecified in this section in order to gather your personal relevant data. For example, we may depend on your communication with our customer support team or your responses to our surveys to gather your data. We may also gather ratings and other feedback about your usage to our website. In the event of collecting personal data for statistical purposes, the names of the owners of such data must be hidden
Using, Accessing, Browsing and Modifying Your Personal Data:
  1. Its available to access and review your personal data through “My Account” management page on our website; in case of you have change any of your personal data and/ or you have entered inaccurate data on the website, you must promptly update or amend it either through “My Account” section or by calling customer service team. Please note that the link of the Customer Support at the top of each page contains the email and phone number for this section
  2. Please take into consideration that our website will keep saving your personal data during and after your usage to our website in accordance with applicable laws and regulations in order to overcome technical challenges, stop fraud, aid in any legal investigations, and take any other legal measures that deemed to be necessary
Links related to Third Party Websites:

Our website may contain different links from other websites; however, we take no responsibility for the degree of privacy maintained by those links. In case of you intend to move from our website to any other one; we advise you to read their (privacy policy) in the event that you intend to provide such websites with your personal data. As our (Privacy Policy) only applies to personal data submitted to our website

Preventing Misleading or Deceptive Emails:

Our website doesn’t support Misleading or Deceptive Emails in case you want to report such spam or email scams, please send an email to

Protecting your personal Data:
  1. You may have agreed to allow us to transfer your personal data outside the Arab Republic of Egypt when you register to our website, we would like to inform you that we take all precautions to protect your personal data by not illegally accessing, using, or releasing it
  2. All your personal data is encrypted but, in any case, Internet is not a secure medium and we do not guarantee the confidentiality of your personal data
  3. You must enter your user’s name and password every time you logging your account or performing any process on website
  4. Use unique numbers, letters, and forms while selecting the password
  5. Do not share your username and password
  6. In case of you suspect that your username and password has been hacked, please contact customer service team and change the password by selecting “My Account” section on our website
How would you contact us to inquire about our (Privacy Policy):

In case you have any inquiries regarding saving or gathering your personal data, please contact our Customer Service Team through the “Customer Support” link at the top of any page of our website

Egypt: Giza, 10 Ahmed El-Mansy Street.

UAE: DIFC Innovation Center, PO Box 507211, Dubai, UAE

India: No. 15, Begur Rd, behind Ganesha Temple, Bommanahalli, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560068

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